Fill in the form below for user registration.

Input your user information

Confirm information you entered.

Your user registration has been successfully completed

(Fields marked with "*" are required.)


First name

Last name

Company name

Enter your company name. If you purchase our product for personal use, please enter your name again.

Example: Daitron Co., Ltd.

Department / post



Postal code

Enter using half-width numbers.



Example: 1-2-3 Chuo-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, 539-0000 Japan

Building name

Example: Chuo Condominium

Phone number

Enter using half-width numbers.

Fax number

Enter using half-width numbers.

Email address

Enter using half-width alphanumeric characters.

Email address (for confirmation)

Enter using half-width alphanumeric characters.


8 or more half-width alphanumeric characters

Password (for confirmation)

8 or more half-width alphanumeric characters

Purchased products (multiple selections allowed)

Serial number

If you have purchased two or more products, please enter the serial number of any one of them.

Enter using half-width alphanumeric characters.

From which company did you purchase the product?

Purchase date (yyyy/mm/dd)


Products you're interested in (multiple selections allowed)